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Question: Does Ankra manage my other cloud resources?
Answer: No, Ankra only manages the resources it provisions. Ankra does not manage any other resources in your cloud account.

Question: Does Ankra create managed cloud provider Kubernetes clusters?
Answer: No, Ankra does currently not create managed cloud provider Kubernetes clusters such as EKS, AKS or GKS. Ankra creates its Kubernetes clusters on virtual machines in your cloud account. Read more about the benefits of this approach in the Clusters documentation page.

Question: How do I access my Kubernetes cluster through terminal?
Answer: You can access the Kubernetes cluster through terminal by following the steps show on the cluster access page.

Question: Can I view my Kubernetes resources in Ankra?
Answer: Yes! Ankra provides a view of your Kubernetes resources. You can view your Kubernetes resources by clicking on the cluster name on the clusters page and navigating through the different Kubernetes resources.

Question: Can I view my Kubernetes logs in Ankra?
Answer: No, not yet. This will be available in the future.

Question: Can I view my Kubernetes metrics in Ankra?
Answer: No, not yet. This will be available in the future.

Question: Does Ankra created clusters have a load balancer?
Answer: Yes, that is currently the default behaviour. We are working on making this configurable.

Question: Does Ankra deploy addons to my Kubernetes cluster?
Answer: Yes, Ankra currently supports the following addons:

  • Cert Manager
  • Nginx Ingress Controller
  • Grafana
  • Prometheus