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Cluster Operations Overview in ANKRA

In the ANKRA platform, the Clusters section is a central hub for managing your Kubernetes clusters, offering a comprehensive view of all operations performed by ANKRA automation. This document details the Operations feature within this section, highlighting how users can navigate and understand the various tasks ANKRA executes to manage cluster resources effectively.

Understanding Operations

Operations in ANKRA represent the collective actions performed by the platform's automation engine on your Kubernetes clusters. Each operation is a sequence of jobs, where each job corresponds to a specific action such as creating, updating, or deleting a resource within the cluster.

Operational DAG

Key Features:

  • Detailed Insights: Users can click on any operation to view its details, including the sequence of jobs it comprises and the specific resources each job impacts.
  • Action Types: The platform categorizes jobs by their actions - create, update, or delete - providing clear insights into the changes being made to cluster resources.

Within the Clusters section, the Operations tab presents a list of all recent operations. This interface is designed to offer:

  • List Format: Operations are listed in a table format, with columns for operation ID, status, start time, and duration, among others.
  • Visual Representation: For a more intuitive understanding of the dependencies and sequence of jobs, ANKRA provides a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) view.

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

A DAG is a graphical representation used to illustrate the dependencies and execution order of jobs within an operation. In this context, it helps users visualize:

  • Job Sequence: How jobs are ordered and the dependencies between them.
  • Resource Impact: Which cluster resources are affected by each job.
  • Execution Flow: The path taken by ANKRA's automation to complete the operation.

The DAG view is particularly useful for understanding complex operations involving multiple resources and dependencies.

Viewing Operation Details

Clicking on an operation in the list or its representation in the DAG opens a detailed view, where users can explore:

  • Job List: A breakdown of all jobs within the operation, including the action performed (create, update, delete) and the targeted resource.
  • Execution Status: The current status of each job, enabling users to monitor the progress and outcome of the operation.
  • Resource Links: Direct links to the affected resources for easy access and further investigation.

Benefits for Users

The Operations feature in ANKRA empowers users with:

  • Transparency: Full visibility into how ANKRA automation manages cluster resources.
  • Control: The ability to monitor and verify the actions taken by the platform.
  • Efficiency: Insights into the automation process, helping identify and resolve issues faster.


The Operations section within ANKRA's Clusters area provides a powerful interface for users to monitor and understand the automated management of Kubernetes clusters. By offering detailed insights into each operation and its component jobs, ANKRA enhances the user experience with transparency, control, and efficiency in cloud infrastructure management.